That's what the fake credit cards you find all over the place are for. Non scratch scrapers for free not $3.67$
That's what the fake credit cards you find all over the place are for. Non scratch scrapers for free not $3.67$
There's never been a double blind randomized control study done on parachutes.
Your overall point is good. It is easy to over interpret the accuracy of results coming from Datasets with n very large when in practice there comes a point where inaccuracies due to model assumptions and data quality swamp the variance die to sampling (big data take note).
but is only available in chrome
Does this mean that all my Beatles tracks will be overwritten withe the American album names rather than the British ones??
Is this just for US companies or is the scope wider?
OK Unloading a dishwasher is not a job I love but washing up by hand is a job I hate, so in comparison unloading is a breeze.
Listen to podcasts, in English or in German
Neat idea, but not for me. Grating is one of of my least favorite cooking tasks.
A real life "experiment" sheds light on the advantage of how much advantage squeezing through on an amber light gives you.
The point is not to access your money belt in the bus queue but to store it's contents somewhere safer than in your hostel or hotel. We're not talking about a 4 day break in Paris here, where I'd much rather trust a hotel bedroom (especially a hotel safe) than a moneybelt, but rather a long holiday in the developing…
Overkill. There will be plenty of times when you need to pay for things in your "previous" currency (I have direct experience of this) and a credit card or debit card is usually the easiest way to do this. Unless you're moving to a high risk area there will be little difference between the risk of your card…
What about if you use cloud backup and your last pass authentification files are hacked during the back up upload or on the cloud server. Are your passwords then at a realistic risk of being hacked.
I'm so naive, I assumed the bridesmaids dresses were part of The Couple's (or parent's) wedding costs. It seems outrageous to expect the Bridesmaids to pick up the tab for the dresses.
Surely core habits are part of orderliness. My S.O. hates it when I leave a core balancing on the arm of the sofa.
But there are cultures that, at least according to stereotypes, put different values on attitudes like "being careful with money" vs "they live of tips": eg. Scotland and California
Two (of the three companies listed here that I've heard of) have made the headlines for unethical practices on three counts: Major tax evasion, illegal data interception and employment of workers below the national minimum wage.
If you tidy up when the room is midlleing untidy this is not a good idea. Instead of tiding up properly you end up with a big mess in your "collection zone" which you resent having to search through every time you have lost something. The idea of sorting out your "collection zone" properly then quickly becomes a…
If "Persistence is bad news" then it should be multiplied by persistence not to the power of.
Not working for me in FF. Another possibility is locale as I'm in a non-USA country.