
Show your "triangle" on a web cam? Should be an article for the "After Hours Lifehacker"

I thought these "myths" stopped being "myths" years ago. Of course that doesn't mean the articles worthless, just an odd choice of words.

Two problems with a Roomba, (i) if you have *any* cables at floor level or delicate objects like a guitar then you need to sort out the room before you set Roomba going, which takes out some of the usefullness of the robot. (ii) you have to clean him pretty much after every outing: hair is the big problem if you

"Um" is nowhere near as bad as "like", which annoys like everyone who is listening. "Er" is even better because it sounds like a short unimportant sound. You might find it easier to replace "like" with "er" as an intermediate step.

How to keep your bedsheets clean for twice as long .... Can nobody see the elephant in the room?

Sounds like great advice. I often hear on the radio people saying "I've been sending off 20 applications every week for the last year, and haven't been asked to an interview once." I'm sat here thinking you can't possibly be tailoring your application to the advertised job, it's no wonder you're getting turned down

You should know that the hole you fell through will be the dark patch in the ice. Apparently in the panic it easy to think that the hole is a bright patch ("where the light's coming through") but that'll just be inconsistencies in the ice.

"It's simple and fast, but like most PDF to Doc conversions, you can expect some of the formatting to be disturbed when it comes to tables and charts."

Wait, there are some people who aren't perfect? ... and some others who are perfect but just have a different way of going about things?

Wrong article to follow up with a "straw man" argument!

But the recruiter has no idea if you plan to relocate or not. If the employer is so one dimensional in the way it considers potential employees, then it is not a company I would want to work for.

But Google docs is not an offline service. Dropbox would be a better method of working on and offline seamlessly.

And on a Windows PC?

Sorry as a non-american, but not unamerican, I don't get the joke. I'm assuming it's ironic.

A good example is egg replacer. You can use it for cakes, pancakes, nut/meat loaves etc but not for an omelette or scrambled eggs!

Then you substitute onions for garlic, not the other way round. Wow the two often go together but I wouldn't exchange one for the other because I see onion as a structure and garlic as an accent.

Having to teach stats in "service courses" (at a uni). If I'd ask them at the start of the course if they want to learn maths and stats I'd get the answer "No but we have to pass this course". So the challenge is to motivate the students.

Plus you're going to have to go some with a file to make sure the cut ends are rounded off smoothly. Even then the bolt end will probably wear a hole in your pocket

I'll pocket this! Problem is I only get round to reading my pocketed websites every year or so.

Asking a question the wrong way make you sound arrogant to me, which increases the chance I will say no. Asking a question the right way increases the chance I will say yes. So the Asker should see this as an optimisation problem rather than simply thinking "well he can always say no".