Perhaps someone (or several people) could recap Gotham from the POV of one of the following:
Perhaps someone (or several people) could recap Gotham from the POV of one of the following:
I know! I'm happy to see him, but wish he was on Game of Thrones or Orphan Black instead. Le sigh.
"Where's the fetus going to gestate? In a box?"
He's one of the Krieger clones!
Should have factored in Donna for the ginger (and even more awesomeness).
I'm not even a fan, watched just a bit of the older show, but I love this stuff. It actually makes me want to dig into it some more.
Link works to see the pic. Looks pretty cool.
My 6th grade teacher insisted on reading aloud to us regularly, even though we felt too old for that and often too old for the books she picked (like Roald Dahl's Matilda) - but she was great, and she made very smart picks, so we got sucked in every time. (We were allowed to work quietly or pass notes or doodle and…
Back when Nickelodeon scared the shit of out kids with weirdness like Children of the Stones, they showed a movie version of The Treasure of Alpheus Winterborn. I noticed the "based on the book" info and that got me started reading Bellairs, and that was far from the creepiest one so I was seriously freaked out by The…
Turtle is still my hero. The Westing Game rules.
Stinkor was not bad compared to how MossMan reeked.
It's log, it's lo-og
Cats are smarter than dogs. They just usually give zero fucks about pleasing humans. They do just enough cute kitty looks to keep themselves in kibble.
Maybe not quite as weird as most oon this list, but God in Dinosaur Comics by Ryan North is indeed weird. He doesn't show up a lot (well, technically never, he's always out of the panel because that's how it rolls) but I love Dinosaur Comics.
Can God create a weight too heavy for him to bench?
Excuse me, I need to go stalk - er, check out all the Detroit gyms. It's a risk I'm willing to take for the Khal.
For those not so excited about the Delta Quadrant. NSFW!!
Your texting and driving bit cracked me up. Nice. :)
I marathoned episodes 2-5 today while poking at other stuff, and found it much more bearable, and even enjoyable that way. Somehow the half-distracted binge made it drag a lot less. Though it did show up the erratic character writing a lot. But those few interesting ideas did stick out. They are definitely half-baked,…
Maybe he is our new Shatner.