
How indeed.

Nope. Scott Pilgrim is hot garbage.

Millennials shouting "Goodbye!" in Russian as they take a swig.

I thought "Guy Mann" was the perfect name for someone new to humanity and not clever enough to come up with "Hugh Mann"

Fuck those assholes. Buy merch, be happy.

Loved that Hanzee shot the racist a-holes in the kneecaps. Now they'll always remember Wounded Knee.

Willie Nelson!

What do you call a bear that only attacks guys named Paul?” Does anyone know?

Tara Strong's Twitter account is something to behold.

I love that Cyril took a moment to write his own name on a piece of tape, and stuck it to his helmet. Because he's just that anal.

I would give anything to see Scott do the open to The Prisoner. That is all.

Islam is 80 years old. This I did not know.