Except in nature, the stronger, faster, smarter animals survive. They then pass down their superior genetics to their offspring, allowing them to thrive. Evolution is meritocracy.
Except in nature, the stronger, faster, smarter animals survive. They then pass down their superior genetics to their offspring, allowing them to thrive. Evolution is meritocracy.
We must pretend we have a meritocracy or else discussions about taxes, social programs, etc. would hinge on their effectiveness, not some vague moral argument about who “earned” it.
No, that would be the pallet. The weed was just along for the ride.
It is entirely fair to judge the bible thumping hayseeds who keep voting these extras from the Scarlet Letter into office. And it is entirely fair to judge Texas liberals who couldn’t be bothered to vote against these modern day Puritans. If you’re neither, good on you. You got fucked over by your idiot neighbors.
I’ve always followed Jez, but I looked at Gawker from time to time on slow days.
Wait a minute. WLM? Is that what I think it is? What a fucking prick that guy is. You’d have to drive 8 hours to get anywhere in Texas (haw haw).
“We’re not going to talk about a very famous wrestler...”
‘Texas: Our elected legislators may want to keep women as breeding slaves, but goldurnit we don’t cotton to them Nazzis’ is kind of a low bar.
Yes, this makes absolute cognitive sense. “Abortion is murder” but, if you can pay a higher premium, no problem.
Florida: hold my beer.
Senility is a strong force. Also, when you spend your life dealing only with the people you want to and you ensure that you have all the leverage so that you can walk away at any time, you never learn to handle adversity or challenges.
Donny boy thought it would be a jolly jape to run for the highest office, lose, and get another book deal with the by line “Donald Trump Former Presidential Candidate) out of it. Then he won.
Now everything he touches turns to shit before his very eyes; almost like Midas, but you know with shit instead of gold...so…
If there is any competence or control at all behind his actions*, I suspect he may be well aware that he’s not going to last 4 years and is now trying to aim his inevitable crash-landing. If he can successfully play himself off as a martyr for the alt-right/Nazi/KKK/generally-more-than-vaguely-racist crowd, he can…
I’d never advocate for it because it would only embolden his base.
Im advocating for it. I am calling for it.
But first you must read this gripping account of the campaign
What the actual fuck is going on with him? I grew up with him as background noise; an easily ignored buffoon. But he’s morphed into something monstrous in the last ten years or so.
I feel I need to add this book to the pile.
Why is there NEVER a grassy knoll around when you need one?
It’s only been 7 months. This seriously needs to stop. And to all of the people claiming that Trump is the lesser of two evils or that he and Hillary were the same....