
I don't always wish for people to shrug off their mortal coils, but when I do, it's often Armond White.

It's like kleptomania met plagiarism and had a kid.

It's a crying shame too. Things had really built to an interesting point and then… nothing.

SPOILERS: It has a cliffhanger ending. Not saying what it is, but Marvel likes to pretend that series doesn't exist.

Dude. It's Max Landis.

It's almost like they want Community to succeed.

All over my face.

It's not a punch when you do it with your lips.

I need to create suffering in my wake. It's my thing.

I like Hardwick. He's very huggable.


So what is brokeNCYDE?


Game: Name a Katherine Heigl movie you like!
EXPERT MODE: That got halfway decent reviews.

Ooh. that avatar.

I accidentally remembered this existed. Enjoy your pain.

I know I'm late as hell to this party, but I have to up this ante:

Can we talk about the fact that Brie Larson looks a lot like Summer Glau in that picture?

let's have them fight to the death. No matter what happens we all win.

Right… RIGHT! I'm so glad Netflix is continuing to made quality original series like Drop Dead Diva (reprogramming complete)