Eriq Jaffe

I suggest that when an app is only useful for those using a certain operating system that the writer or editor put that into the headline.

Rick Hahn’s current thought on this problem for the Nationals.

Yup. And you can do nothing about them, ever. We had two feuding neighbors in our 5 unit condo. Cops were called frequently. Hubby tried to intervene and was challenged to a street-fight with a 50 year old woman (different neighbor) as a result. The police neighborhood liaison recommended we “Call Jesus into our


In surprising reversal, Chad Johnson is taking the House to it.

You can put him in the morgue, yes!

That time he sent Brad Lidge to hell.

I had a friend from the UK over, and at one point he expressed aghast horror at “you lot and your bloody lack of electric kettles.”

Pretty sure Sale would’ve gotten the 10 had Drake LaRoche been behind the plate. Kid is heady, gritty, hard-nosed—just a winner.

As a White Sox fan, I wanted to thank you all personally for your in depth coverage of the White Sox.

I disagree that it ruined the ride.

Future episodes... Throughout the season

True - and you can probably chalk at least some of that up to Driver being a better actor than Christensen (though low bar, damning with faint praise and all that). I did absolutely love the sequence with Kylo destroying the computer in rage after Rey escaped, and the stormtroopers coming around the corner just went

I disliked Christensen for years because of his portrayal of Anakin.......But I eventually realized he wasn’t at fault. He was just some young actor who was at the mercy of George Lucas fucking horseshit dialogue and directing. Sure he had all the range of a piece of wood and the scenes where he was supposed to be the

That and Bail flat out tells Mon Motha that he’s sending Leia to retrieve Kenobi and bring him back to Alderaan.

You sir win the internet today