Eriq Jaffe

Don’t worry, he’s just trolling.


I'm not that young (mid 30s) but I'm definitely from the more recent "voicemail generation", where the rule is "if you don't recognize the number, don't bother answering the call". That joint goes to vmail all day and it's rarely someone I feel the need to call back. The older generation seems to feel like they HAVE

The latest 1984 cover from Penquin books.

Uploading a photo to a website to crop it is just silly if you have Photoshop installed already.

I got a lead on the sequel title...

Our Man Flint. I was shocked at how funny this was and how much source material Austin Powers took from it (Austin Powers' car phone ring is Flint's telephone ring played backward) and from Casino Royale. Also, James Coburn is Daniel Craig-level of cool.

And at one time, I owned all three of those games. Electronic Football 2 was awesome.

How long until the Lego Doctor Who video game is out then?

Plus if you've read Eddings' other books you don't even have to think about it too hard; it's like getting into a nice lukewarm literary bath. I didn't enjoy it, but it's probably the perfect airplane book.

I guess a lot of people check in at restaurants on Devon Ave.

fuck it, now i want a Toblerone

I believe you've made a glaring omission. We all know that Jimmy Carter is history's greatest monster.

Kit Fisto?

What killed my nostalgia boner was seeing that, even 90 years ago, players were stupid enough to slide into first.

It's widespread changes like these that makes me think that Ballmer's Clippers will Excel during the 2014-15 NBA season.

I don't know

Meet Eccentrica Gallumbits, the triple-breasted whore of Eroticon Six. It is said that her erogenous zones begin four miles from her actual body.

Oddly enough, I just finished reading "Thunderstruck" by Erik Larson a couple of days ago; I highly recommend it. In fact, I recommend all of his books - he makes history an interesting set of stories, rather than something rote or boring.