Eriq Jaffe

It doesn't really fix a ton of problems. However it does fix a specific set of problems.

If you think the 80s or 70s was the golden age of cartoons, Popeye and Bugs Bunny would kick your ass.

Ain't no lift that ain't a lift, though there are a few different designations for specific types.

Nope. The things with the chocolate chips are still cookies. These, on the other hand, are not:

No, that was definitely a cookie he had there. That looked like a toll house cookie, which would still be called a cookie.

I think I know what's coming..

My question would be: if your tv is rather large, how would you ever be able to put a disk into the wii without either moving the tv out of place or resorting to some crazy yoga position to reach behind it? :/

This would be a useful feature. For car docks as the example given, or for other situations. Maybe have a tag on an armband case you use for running, or if you have a place on your desk or dresser or something you tend to leave your phone when at home.

Jeeves FTW.

Hey look! Its already found them!

I rather like all the original ways magic works in Brandon Sanderson's novels, but if I had to pick one I'd go with Mistborn's Allomancy:

Santa Clause needs a canoe now.

I thought it was just a Douglas Adams thing?

Seriously, if your employer pays you with a fee-laden card that chips away at your meager subsistence-level wages just so they can save a few pennies per employee on regular paychecks, that should be your cue to GTFO.

I've been using TVP (textured vegetable protein) for years. Think of it as tofu, but with a meat texture. I've made batches of vegetarian chili for meat-eaters and they couldn't even tell the difference. The scariest part of TVP is how similar the texture is to real meat (well, cheap meat anyway). In a medium

No. Don't try to explain. Brain the size of a planet and I get left off the list. Typical. Jokes. Don't talk to me about jokes. Don't worry about me. No one ever does.

How depressing.

We all know that the Cybermen killed the dinosaurs.