That's what we did when we were in over $10k in credit card debt. It took a few years to dig out, but we've been debt free (aside from fixed debt - car loans, mortgage) for over a decade now, and it's great.
That's what we did when we were in over $10k in credit card debt. It took a few years to dig out, but we've been debt free (aside from fixed debt - car loans, mortgage) for over a decade now, and it's great.
Very small turbines.
It'd be better if you could use a trackball to act as a dimmer.
They will, it's already been announced.
Duh, because you need a driver's license in order to purchase a gun.
They DO have it!
Even worse than the Function keys, Lenovo has started reversing the way the function keys operate. So, if you hit F1 to open up a program's Help - LIKE YOU'VE BEEN DOING FOR YEARS - you wind up toggling the mute/unmute. You have to hit Function-F1 to bring up the Help.
Yeah, I get the odd idle heat and mysterious battery drain too. But it's sporadic. Sometimes iut sits there at room temperature, sometimes I can make s'mores over it. I put the free version of JuiceDefender on it, and it seems to be helping a bit, although not as much as I'd like.
It's incompatible with my HTC One X, as well.
My tower at home beeps when it boots up in a pattern to enumerate the number of USB devices connected. Threw me for a bit of a loop the first time I heard it, as I had gotten very used to anything other than one beep meaning that something was broken.
It looks like somebody's been checking in from all over Africa.
Well, he only had to duck 3 other people, so it wasn't that hard.
As God is my witness, I thought hot dogs could fly.
This would also work well for layer cakes, pies, and maybe a tall stack of Doritos.
The Death Star was just a small moon. I imagine that he has one more the size of Tattooine.
It's possible to install MediaMonkey as a portable app.
Depends on what it is. If I can find a taker, great. If not, I usually donate to Goodwill or the Salvation Army. At least that way I can get a tax deduction.
I was thinking more along these lines:
Looks more like a mail-in rebate to me.
He was referring to Jeff Shakespeare.