Erin Stokes

Did you mistake Stephanie for Maggie or Amelia?

Here's what kills me about the Jo thing- I work for a practice and credential the physicians. Their names are listed on department of health of the state. If you google their names it will tell you where they practice along other information. You can google their NPI number. AND all of this needs to be under their

I didn't think that because I saw how she gave everyone a personal gift. I think 10 years in a role can begin to limit you and/or bore you.

No we don't and i think you are right. Because it makes no sense that George and Izzie leaving or dying wouldn't count as people leaving her. If anything it would push the Alex and Mere storyline.

I love this show(please keep reviewing I have been lost since TWOP). And I do not enjoy Amelia but I like the exploration of how Meredith does view Christina leaving. also confused why montage of people dying didn't include George-that was a big dark and twisty moment.