Erin Sinclair

Exactly. The lack of consistency is part of the reason why the suspension of disbelief has ended for me. It's too easy to pick apart the story lines now. One of the worst episodes for me was the Thanksgiving episode that I just happened to watch. First of all, Penny and Zach were NOT married. I use to live In Las

My thought is this is a way the writers have to explore possibilities to test audience reaction. If it is positive, they work a story line angle, if not, they don't pursue it. It is also a way to show how self-destructive Penny's drinking is becoming, an extremely annoying story angle that is getting old. They've been

Fair enough, but it is becoming painful to watch how heartbreaking it is for her character. I didn't like the character of Amy at first, she was two dimensional and annoying to me. Her constant sexual references to Penny were becoming creepy. I also don't like the way this show makes homosexual jokes, given that the

Not in the conventional sense, remember? When Penny gently explained to him she just wanted to be friends he indicated that they tried but when he attempted to put on a condom, he prematurely ejaculated and that was "all she wrote".

Agreed, Leonard and Penny as a couple just aren't working any longer. They need to break up and be the best of friends. They both need to find people more suited to them PLUS have you noticed how arrogant and holier than thou Leonard is becoming and how much of a sloppy drunk "loser" Penny is becoming?

Agree with everything you just "stated".

You are not the only one who yelled THAT'S IT, DUMP HIS A$$. They try to play off Sheldon's character as not understanding what he's doing, but YES HE DOES. Otherwise, there would be no one sided "contracts", there would be no gross insults towards Leonard and what he allegedly lacks in terms of a successful career,

I've been done with BBT since the end of season 6. I'm at a point where it no longer suspends my disbelief. The characters and their dialogue aren't funny any longer and quite frankly their personalities are becoming mean, petty and hateful toward each other, but couched in humor so that the audience will accept it.