erin rebekah

I applaud you for being a good parent and hitting your kids with FACTS when you could just tell them some horrendous lie about vaping making your hair fall out.

Teens do love to suck on their douche flutes.

Will we ever understand the teens?

I remember when they had us fill out a questionnaire in high school for some study...nobody took it seriously, and it turned out %75 of our students were drunk, pregnant crack addicts.

What he said was basically like a 5th grader trying to give a book report on a book he’d only read the first 3 pages of.

..and nobody knows what is going on.

That’s...already obvious though?

It will force his hand. If he does reverse it then it will be obvious that is cares more about Putin’s fee fees than he does about the American democracy.

Did Donald Trump take over their twitter account for the day?

I am a Jew, and I agree with John Kerry. Part of being allies is telling your allies when they’re wrong. Bibi is an extremist and seems to have forgotten the aid we’ve given Israel over the years. It is NOT anti-Antisemitism to merely point out when Israel is wrong.

Odd. I wouldn’t think that Trump would be in favor of squatters’ rights.

I saw this on Reddit and the analogy seemed apt:

Netanyahu’s petulant responses reminds me of a child who’s been given a pile of expensive gifts, but, when denied a fifth cookie, loudly declares his parents as the meanest, most awful people on the earth.

Hey world let’s make up for ignoring the holocaust by letting Israel do whatever the fuck it wants to the Palestinians.

The cognitive dissonance required to portray Obama as both a tyrant ruling the country through executive action and a wimp who got pushed around for eight years is impressive. Building up that tolerance for contradiction must have laid the groundwork for disenfranchised voters to convince themselves that Trump would

I’m so unbelievably sick of every statement about Israel not handling its shit in a way that shows even a modicum of respect for the human people living in Palestine being colored as antisemitism.

1. Kerry should have made this speech 2 years ago

I, for one, am glad we have a president who doesn’t consider nuance, who sees the world as 100% black and white, right and wrong, good and evil, and who rightly views all forms of criticism as outright attacks. I was starting to get sick of having thoughtful leaders who recognize and attempt to deal with the

It’s a rare kind of animal, sort of like a leech but way fatter and more disgusting. It lives on other people’s money.

A brain-damaged poor lottery winner dipped in YSL cologne.