I was watching a later episode of Friends a few weeks ago when it occurred to me that we never saw Ben and Emma together. I don't even think Ben was on the show once Emma was born.
I was watching a later episode of Friends a few weeks ago when it occurred to me that we never saw Ben and Emma together. I don't even think Ben was on the show once Emma was born.
That was my first thought when I saw that headline (well after, "no shit"); when Anna Camp got bumped down to recurring she was never on the show again.
A thousand times this. This is what started turning me off the show as early as season 3; Danny was ALWAYS in the wrong and had to learn some big lesson, but Mindy didn't have to change at all.
I'll have to watch that scene again, because I swear Silas did say something to the effect of the whole thing was a sham
I am so glad I stopped watching this show, as those glaring continuity mistakes drive me nuts. But you're right, even in the first season they had major continuity problems. I think my love for Chris Messina helped me ignore them at the time.
yeah, that was my reaction too: "OK, I get the reference, you can stop right there, thanks". lol
Granny was holding Robin; remember her leaning down so Roland could give her a kiss goodbye? I couldn't figure out if she had Neal in the stroller or not. Who knows where he was.
I did roll my eyes at that, but that was nothing compared to the utter ridiculousness of that fountain scene. That scene was the definition of "cringe-worthy"
Yeah, I got that impression too, that he was close to telling Sarah the truth but had a change of heart at the last second and told her about Eddie instead
Totally agree; he saw Mary potentially causing trouble and realized he had to fix the situation asap.
I totally agree that the Frozen arc is underrated; I remember being surprised at how many people flat out hated it. I thought they did an awesome job with that storyline.
The Zelena love-fest has really started turning me off of the show. I liked her original arc (I believe in 3B) but I hated it when she came back in season 4. And then this season she's redeemed with one episode? Seriously?
Interesting…I didn't realize Barinholtz had made those comments. I've heard Kaling say may times that this was her plan from the beginning (which I'm still not sure I buy 100%).
I only caught 2: Ambien and Klonopin. I was actually planning on re-watching that scene tonight to see what I missed
I continue to enjoy this show while fully realizing what a mess it is. As happy as I was to see Gabe alive, at the same time I was thinking "really? Why in the world wouldn't they just kill him?" And I loved the governor's line about how Claire never met a tragedy she couldn't use.
It is good; it starts out a little slow, but it gets better and better each week.
I think that's all it is too, and you can't really blame him for wanting to move on.
I think he's recurring
That's where I'm at now too; I have no desire whatsoever to watch it anymore, but I am curious enough that I'll still read the recaps.