Erin Bockenstedt

Already looks cool! I'm excited to see what they'll put in the first trailer.

Mike Leigh needs to adapt Jane Austen. Perhaps "Persuasion", Leigh could perfectly capture the subtle melancholy that Austen's last novel requires.

Well he said that he's never really done a dramatic role like that before, so to have him do such intense stuff right away might have shaken him/

I meant in the season 1 episode titled "Crutchfield"

Katie, do you seriously not know that Homecoming isn't an origin story? I'm sick of people saying that.


I need to catch up on "The Knick", that show is fantastic.

There is a movie about Nellie Bly called "Ten Days in a Madhouse" that came out last year. It was super low budget, so green screens and the camera work looks cheap, but the actress playing Bly was decent. Here's a link to IMDb…

How about a movie about the Migrant Mother? Like telling the life story of Florence Owens Thompson and only make the scene of Dorothea Lange taking her picture a quick moment in the scope of her story.

The girl at the beginning and the end is the girl Thack killed in "Crutchfield", during his experimental surgery.