
All Minnesotans know that the Star Tribune only represents the views of the Twin Cities. The red bits REALLY don’t like it. 

It’s RMS Titanic, not HMS Titanic. Short For ‘Royal Mail Ship Titanic’. That’s twice this site’s messed it up. Sheesh.

Side note: Now I have yet another lil’ niche( {—-} this big) pet peeve when it comes to inaccuracies in professional reporting. The other is whenever a large news source or reporter cites the

MTG was one of the girls that was on the outside of the ‘cool girls’ clique in high school. She, as I recall, was a narc/tattle tale and held/holds deep resentments at the ‘cool’ and ‘attractive’ peers that didn’t like or accept her.

It is an actual T-Rex.

I give it six months before they start airing pro wrestling in coveted time slots.

RMS Titanic. Not HMS.

Too ironic if directed by James Cameron?

Boy’s toys get big-budget direct adaptations that play to positive nostalgic feelings.

The failed comedian to Trump supporter pipeline is still going strong, I guess.

Conservatives wouldn’t kn ow what nuance was even if it molested their kids.

Well, I mean...sure, for a given value of ‘comedy.’

ID4 plays on TV every year around July 4th

Not Stargate or ID4, but pretty much everything else yeah

Nobody remembers Con Air?

The correct answer is Star Trek Enterprise, it got a TNG episode for a finale.

He wants the same control as the Chinese Communist leaders have over Chinese citizens, just like in his Shanghai factory.

Should’ve been Boaty McBoat Face 1 and Boaty McBoat Face 2 you cowards!

“We used two cutting edge submersibles that are named Romeo and Juliet”

I can’t decide whether to award points for resisting the urge to name them “Rose” and “Jack,” or subtract points for not naming them that.

Pardon me while I relish the fact that a company co-founded by Proud Boys founder and seditious walnut Gavin McInnes is being bankruptcy-rescued by “Soros Fund Management

I feel like there is an amendment to the Constitution specifically for this sort of situation. One of the real low numbered ones. One that her new party super-duper loves. Maybe Democrats should start looking into that.