
Huh. It’s not my thing, but I’m surprised at the snarkiness over that ‘normal behavior’ comment. I mean, this is kind of the epitome of something that people enjoy that isn’t hurting anyone. Whereas vaccine/covid denial kinda... is or at least could? I don’t know. Seems shitty for those who are worried or

I speak for everyone when I say that every story can only be improved by “Suddenly you are in 1920's Germany.” Can you imagine Lord of The Rings if they got to Mordor and then had to fight hitler?!

As someone who regularly watched x-play at the time... yeah this tracks, there are probably even worse things in the archive of old episodes.

This is kind of surreal...

Another Day. Another reminder that G4 was a cesspool of gaming that not even gamers wanted to watch which is why I’m glad they are gone. Twice.

Damn.. if in an alternate universe, the world had Victor Lucas team up with Morgan Webb on a review show INSTEAD, and dump both Tallarico and Sessler to the curb, that’s a review show I could actually respect.

Without a more rigorous historical survey of gaming discourse and the distribution therein of the terms “RPG,” “JRPG” and “WRPG” and their collocations, it seems hasty (if not myopic?) to conclude that “JRPG” is itself a pejorative coinage.

I don’t mean for this comment to mean there’s no discussion to be had about terms - but G4 was seriously always shitty. And Xplay reviews in particular always seemed way to short and glib to actually be useful, which wasn’t helped by the fact that I disagreed with them about virtually every single game. 

You yungins have no idea how SHIT TV was in the 2000's. Us older millenials had to endure Music no longer showing on TV, shit, after shit reality TV series, and the last bastion of decent basic cable taking a dump when TechTV got bought out by Comcrap and Gfucking4.

Pretty messed up.

With that said—- anyone who was around when JRPG started to become a term knew that it was always used to demean the genre—- insinuating they are games not worth of being called a real RPG in contrast with growing western modern RPG genres—- while at the same time being an insult at modern Japanese

When I saw “Old G4 Review” the first thing I though was Xplay. While Kevin Pereira was a troll in that era, Xplay sadly was not that behind him. Which it’s a shame because Xplay was great in the TechTV era. The 2000s were horrible y’all.

1. I admit that at the time I must have been EXTREMELY oblivious to the xenophobia in the gaming industry at the time, something I regret looking back on it. All I saw was G4 and the gaming magazines I read at the time praising Japanese franchises like Resident Evil and Final Fantasy, and thinking, “Oh, they’re just

How Sessler held on to that gig for that long is beyond me. Grating voice, hot-take factory, the most punchable face. 

And with the current state of crypto that $17,500 worth of electricity is now worth about $3.50 and a couple of JPGs of some ugly ass monkeys.

Unless self-checkouts started wearing uniforms and impersonating existing employees this is not even remotely comparable

That’s a hot take on Jen Hale.  Now do Mel Blanc.

Not sure I buy the stuck throttle excuse. I’d wager they put it in the wrong gear and when it went backwards instead of forwards they panicked and hit the gas instead of the brake.

Best part of that background is how there’s three of the same battleship just sitting next to each other. That’s the problem with AI landscapes. It’s just a bunch of elements thrown together with no real aesthetic or sense of purpose. Good backgrounds tell a story. The only story these tell is “we didn’t feel like

So very sad.  Robots were supposed to take our jobs, not take our joys and hobbies.  Hey, no need to paint or write music anymore, go to work.  The robot will do all that for you.

See, I’m really split on this. I used to hate QTEs and had explained to my wife how notorious they were in older games. QTEs largely fading out as a mechanic was a very welcome change. I think players generally don’t want to be expected to be on edge while watching cutscenes.