He’s always been great in interviews, and the ones where it was him and some combination of Anderson, Shanks, and Tapping made it seem like he’s a lot of fun to be around and genuinely beloved by the folks who work with him.
He’s always been great in interviews, and the ones where it was him and some combination of Anderson, Shanks, and Tapping made it seem like he’s a lot of fun to be around and genuinely beloved by the folks who work with him.
Best episode.
That is interesting about his brother. He worked with Chris on Stargate SG1 a handful of episodes, but I think that was his only acting credit. I wondered what happened to him.
I feel like Christopher Judge should have been this well known twenty years ago, and ought to be a full superstar today.
He’s the best. Has been for a long time. Go watch some SG-1 for more examples of how great he is. And funny!
This article is garbage, you took two twitter posts making jokes and one dumb redditor and turned it into ‘SONIC FAN CONSPIRACY’
I love the idea of a 90s show cliffhanger.
Someone needs to set her up with DiCaprio before it’s too late!
Those are industries they think that they understand (the kickbacks from). But vidya games are scary to old men.
“Get in the fridge, Indy.”
You tried to be reductive about creative writers, got called out for it. Take the L. Resist the urge to double down on being a dick with counter-comment that doesn’t even make sense.
I think it would work well cribbing ideas from Odyssey as far as having small, tightly knit worlds. I agree that a lot of the goals in Odyssey were really stupid, but that’s because I’m a 30+ year old guy playing a game designed in a way to ensure kids aged 5-10 could complete it by themselves without much difficulty.
You didn’t miss much on TNG... Geordi pining after holographic women, Reginald Barclay pining after... holographic women. Captain Picard pining after... you know what, you get it - typical teenage drama tropes.
Fans still argue if Babylon 69 ripped off Deep Space 69 or vice versa.
Hellena Taylor keeps saying that she wants to move on from the Bayonetta drama and “get on with my life in the London theatre”.
This situation is going to leave a lot of people sour, and rightfully so, but the net result seems pretty positive, to me? Bayo gets a top-notch VO, Platinum gets to pay for it fairly, the internet got to chew on paying people for their work for a week or so, and the original VO will fade into obscurity now that the…
Welp, there goes any sympathy I had.