
You know a movie’s memorably bad when the only person who seems to be having any fun is the one who is literally dying on stage.

RIP, Raul.

It’s possible they legally may not actually have the rights to ‘Mobius’.

Just Google Ken Penders. But absolutely do not Google his artwork.

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Honest take, though: I haven’t seen a trailer song so out of fucking place since The SG-1 theme wound up in ‘Sky Captain’.

The Sonic series has featured so many cheese-tastic vocal anthems over the years, and any one of them would have fit better than ‘Gangsta’s Paradise’. Ugh.

Welp. Better luck wished for the sequel. Should it be made.

I’m hoping its story involves Jim going on a hunt for that elusive, Great White Bat. With tits.

“Every Hero Has A Genesis.”

The reason studios don’t go the Roger Rabbit route anymore: They can’t sell it in China.

Well, I can plainly tell whoever wrote that Sonic summary hasn’t touched a single title in the series since Sonic 2.

Fresh from IGN.

I’m scared.

And another one. (Had to try 4 times to get this picture to upload. F’n kinja)

It was also the weekend of Russia’s Comic Con in Moscow, aaaaand:

(Is it weird that I created a profile on their social media site for the express purpose of following their cosplayers?)

That Wily guy wasn’t Jim Carrey. It was Frank C. Turner.


More: Furry leanings and a fascination with... altered breasts. Let’s leave it at that.

This memory... Would explain a lot of things about who I am today. :/

We’re in a world a world where female-led action movies are starting to break out.

We’re in a world where superhero movies reign supreme.

I had Frontier as my ISP for nearly ten years (out here in the Minnesota boonies, the choice is often either the telecom company or satellite. Switched to a fixed-point wireless provider when one finally came around.

Do see that upload speed? Back when I had Frontier, that speed was my download speed. On a good day.

It’s true that he wasn’t satisfied with them, as he thought the sound quality ‘devalued’ his music (which does beg the question of why he’d have a problem with the Genesis soundchip’s output quality for Sonic 3 in ‘93, but didn’t have the same problem with it when his own, more famous tracks were squeezed into the

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Also: He definitely worked on Sonic The Hedgehog 3's music. Or at least assisted with its production.

... Eh, close enough.

As this timely tumblr post elaborates (it really copy-pastes the whole post? I have been away from Kinja a long, long time), I think the key difference between Mario and Sonic is that Sonic was probably one of the earliest game characters who was actually a character. Mario’s just a player avatar, he’s not really