
Who cares how well the Sonic Adventure games have aged? I played the Dreamcast versions... In my opinion, they were products of their time and should be seen as such. I can go back and enjoy them as much as I enjoy Burton’s Batman films. I have no need to judge those two against the current output of superheroes.

I distinctly remember reading an old EGM magazine review of the Xbox edition. The esteemed Shane Bettanhausen wrote something along the lines of “Since I respect Sega, love Japan and lack sanity, I loved Rent-A-Hero. I just wish it didn’t look and sound like a four-year-old Dreamcast game.”

Yes, Generations was good; The Sonic Adventure games and Sonic X are nostalgic favorites to ‘90s millennials as much as the Genesis trilogy and first two toons were to ‘80s millennials; The Sonic Advance and Sonic Rush titles got the series through its mid 00's identity crisis (Kotaku’s reader community just sang

Somebody out there needs to make a mock Expendables trailer, consisting solely of Kurt Russel characters.

Well we know Cranston’s got dead presidents down pretty pat, and the Doctor is pretty much Teddy Roosevelt sans his conservationist streak... I’d say we have a match!

The series has had a grand total of two outright indefensibly bad games. It’s just that one of them came out rather recently; so the Internet’s back on the “Sonic sux” bandwagon.

I don’t even bother debating with the whole “Not since 1994" crowd anymore. We’re on two different wavelengths, you and I here. So let’s

Well, I’m a committed fan; so contrary to the meme, yes, there have been good things Sonic since 2000. Plenty, in fact. But, no, I don’t think the movie’s going to be one of them. But that’s more because no one’s figured out how to do good video game movies yet.

I am a Sonic The Hedgehog fan. I could not give two shits about Pokeman go.

(Psst.... Sonic was the very first movie Sega tried to launch. First announced in 2014; tentatively scheduled for 2018.)

Comic Sonic’s a bit of a serial big smoocher...

Funky Forest: The First Contact, and, perhaps explaining everything, Hideaki Anno was involved in it.

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This popped up in my feed. Just sharing. Needs to go viral.

indeed it is.

Still only the second strangest MODOK mash-up I’ve seen.

Neither do I... In fact, I think all these guys are younger than I am!

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But some of our best memes come out of heroically bad dubs... Who the hell remembers anything about Sonic X beyond “Gotta Go Fast?”

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The Death Note musical’s songs have been a recent guilty pleasure of mine.

Don’t know. I imagine some sort of behind-the-scenes featurette.