the ghost of eazy e

In a just world Jim Margraff would be a multimillionaire and Bill would have coaxched a DIII team

How do they not know Tony Eason and Steve Grogan? 

Yet “self-censorship” is a well-known term and these know never used it

How is the shampoo thing even a “joke?”I guess most hetero, CIS, white dudes are unfunny asses

Do Iny fans try and claim Johnny U was one of their players?

The NFL pays less than The NHL?

He’s the third best at best:

58k in the average national salary for teachers

I played high school and college football in The 1990s. My dad made me watch a documentary called “Disposable Heroes: The Other Side of Football: that came out in The Mid-Eighties before he’d sign my permission slip. People knew decades ago how bad football was for you

Rollerball was quite prescient 

It’s funny that Crenshaw is fine being part of a party that minmizes American genocides against Native Peoples and downplays the horrors of slavery 

More appropriate names

This is the norm for The US. Most white people have never opposed systemic racism 

Who doesn't hate fascists?

NYCFC has allowed Neo-Nazis in its supporters group since Day 1

The funniest thing is that the best collegiate or pro football team in Marylandover the past decade has been Johns Hopkins

Why is it bad to remove ambiguity from the handball rule?

I moved here 5 years ago and the only thing more annoying that Seahawks’ fans are people who live here complaining about “horrible traffic.” Friday, I made it from my house in Renton to MoPop in 35 minutes at 9am. Try getting from Newark to NYC at 9am or from Baltimore to DC during rush hour. These rubes also have no

I could do without people who co-sign on white nationalism getting more exposure

Chance that Jon has no problem with The Rooney’s gouging PA for new stadia? 100%.