the ghost of eazy e

It should be a false start. He is moving his hands together as he would if he were receiving the snap

Nashville’s music is what racist white people listen to when they realize rock music is just “too black.”

I usally get a lot of local refeences to teams in WYTS, but after reading Jeffrey’s comment I realize I know nothing about Minnesota

I have better insurance then they do and I have a fully funded pension because I am a union.

Famous people:

If the guy and his financee live in Jersey, have them be Devils fans. More Cups in the last 30 years than The Flyers, Islanders, and Rangers combined. Plus, they have a nice arena near some great Portuguese food and a pleasant fanbase

You assume all airlines are the same. I'd never fly American again due to their horrible customer service and poor gate agents

You assume all airlines are the same. I'd never fly American again due to their horrible customer service and poor



Maybe the cops ought to not be so trigger happy 

What kind of adult man doesn’t cook and clean? Hell, what father doesn’t care for their baby? These weirdos must be teens

Why would you evr be a fan of one of the mid-table teams that never has a chance to win? 

Comic Book Bubble: The Next Generation

What the fuck is The DMV? I lived in Baltimore for half a decade and never that. 

Better to look at the culture of white supremacy in The US that has de-valued and dehumanized people of color for over 300 years

Yet they still sell guns

This is why I only buy beer by the growler from places I know. No need to give these monsters any more money

Atlanta didn’t even win the real MLS title. They won the playoff whoch everyone knows means nothing in soccer. The New York Red Bulls won the table and thus were the real champions

That’s a lot of effort to be a shitty coach 

Don’t they charge for carryons and whatnot? I get a free checked bag for each traveller on my itinery up to 6 with Alaska

They are often the most racist people there are. If you’re white, then you really have ability to judge the racism of other white people, so go whitesplain that BS somewhere else