White people were not profiled or stopped for drving while white. Put that poor white dude in a polo and khakis and the cops leave him alone. I can be in a suit and tie and get hassled becaue I am black
White people were not profiled or stopped for drving while white. Put that poor white dude in a polo and khakis and the cops leave him alone. I can be in a suit and tie and get hassled becaue I am black
Why would you drive drunk when you can easily get an Uber or Lyft anywhere?
How could you leave out The LA Scandals
Sounds like the rubes in Eastern Washington whining about King County
A sociopath lies to get what he wants and doesn’t care about any consequences? I’m shocked.
Why use an anti-gay slur, snowflake?
100 million copies of the game have sold. Provide proof that most people who bought the game used microtransactions
There are tons of openings in my profession, Special Education Teacher, so people could get emergency certified and complete their coursework at nights and on weekends over several years. I wonder why people refuse to do this?
I’ve paid more in my lifespan ant the reason is because they creat more jobs and more revenue. They use that power to get tax laws written in their favor.
Hown is it like gambling? You get nothing of real value from these transactions.
Yet you are doing the exact same thing when you whine about those "whales."
Serious question
They need to learn how to take the damn train. A bunch were on The LIRR and hadn’t bought tickets or prepared to pay the conductor when he came by. They also had no idea they needed to switch in Jamaica and thus delayed the train leaving that station. They need to spend less time watching others play games and more…
I have never paid a microtransaction in the game and have never known someone who has, so how are people being charged “left and right?”
So, people got two games for $60 and are whining
I played all the way through and don;t recall seeing any
So, not really in GTA V then
Selling 100 millions units at $60 a unit didn’t make them a few billion?
Keeps the cost for a game at sixty bucks
They could easily release a $120 version with no microtrancsactions, but I suspect that these whiners wouldn’t want to pay that