I wish the Revelations series were considered main, to see how they fair in this list. Love both 1 & 2, they’re so under rated.
I wish the Revelations series were considered main, to see how they fair in this list. Love both 1 & 2, they’re so under rated.
Loving World of Light and the mini worlds of other games that they created.
Binging it now, on s2ep6. I think it has just as much humor as the first. It’s really funny.
If Sarah created that spin unscripted and completely on the fly, she is really good at her job.
I googled ‘Cross-bow eating contest’ to no reasonable result. Please tell me it was a typo and not something horrible that teenage boys do.
Yes! That actually IS what I really want. Best game in the trilogy. Forced me to eat BK food, but it was worth it.
I’m waiting for Deep Silver to announce the release date for Dead Island 2. Heard (from a GameStop employee) it still may be 2018
I made it 36 seconds
Destiny 2 has a blue shader that’s a little darker blue :/
Is this game playable through PS4 the screen sharing play thing? Would there be too much lag or loss of resolution?
[with Share Play, your PSN friends can take a second controller and join you in your games]
Jesus! floaters, SMEG, and a hamper? I’m so grossed out right now. This was supposed to be a food catalog?
Multiplayer in co-op storyline, was one of my favorite features of both Saints-Row 3, 4, and Gat Outta Hell. Can’t understand why it’s not part of this. I’ll pick it up if it’s added.
I asked a co-worker if I was woke after I saw ‘Get Out’. I now realize what I am. Damn it.
If he re-creates the “Easter Bunny” costume thing on stage, I’ll be so happy
same here, i assumed there was a software reboot button to be had somewhere, since i leave it docked. so i put it to sleep mode , same prob, back to Zelda
For the love of sanity, will someone tell me why it’s called naked?
Got a passive LG 3D TV, and some of the 3D blue rays are fun at home.
You mesmerize me with your deep green eyes. I still can not understand the ‘naked’ part of this food item. After eating this, is it your soul that’s naked?
will there be a motorcade of some sort? If so then...
He looks ferocious as ever... especially from the front page pic of him flat on his back knocked out!