
I have very very fond memories of WC3. I would say CoH is better though. Blizzard games were usually resource grabs and massing huge amounts of units quickly and battling it out. If you chose the wrong units to build, you were screwed. That was essentially the game.

Damn can’t wait for my brothers and I to team up on Warcraft 3 again!

I’d add Pittsburgh. Its a small airport but there are some good food options. A few restaurants that are run by the big breweries in town. Penn Brewery, Wigle Whiskey, etc. And the Strip market which has small Italian groceries

My mom bakes the leaves with some olive oil and salt until they are crispy and crunchy


I slightly disagree. Surstromming looks like actual fermented fish.

But he’s correct. Every Ikea I have gone to the food store is right outside the exit after you have gone through the checkout line. Nowadays they have a mini checkout at the food store though

You are correct. 

I can answer.

Damn people are stupid nowadays

Did KOTR or Jedi Outcast have you customize your own lightsabers with crystals and hilts etc.?

True true, it freezes in PA too. All the same maybe you heat it up somehow

I set up my brother’s bachelor party a couple week ago.

Any videogame...any videogame is great while high!

I started doing this with my first car! I’ve never had to use them but oh well.

I started doing this with my first car! I’ve never had to use them but oh well.

I had a bug a while ago that let me shoot while downed and shielded. I waited for a team to come finish off my squad and I lit them up lol

I’m surprised no-one mentions the combat. I find it pretty damn boring unless you have a fun gun, or use time dilation a lot (which I do).

a 100 hour charging case for $69. Nice.

a 100 hour charging case for $69. Nice.

Why the hell do trailers have to play a trailer for the trailer before the trailer?