Erik Rohmer

Wow I have never seen an atheist condemn Dick Dawkins….count me impressed

Did he really say to round them up? I've never heard this and it would honestly shock me. I am big fan of his but his views are not perfect and his views on Muslims I object to….but I don't care or expect to agree with anyone 100%. From the many shows of his I watched his criticism is more of liberals and how they go

Yes….people often overlook this and I think you are 100% correct. When you are young you think this kind of thing is important and the outrage doesn't seem misplaced. But as you age and you do see the forest, and it's like 'damn they just blew up the forest On this mountaintop to mine for coal.' How we impart this

His Schtick is not why I watch him, I agree he thinks he's a better comedian than he usually is, but he's one of the few talk show hosts that challenges both left and right consistently, and his challenge to the left is more out of love than spite.

You know almost nothing about Bill Maher if that's what you think of him….ok his views on Islam are shitty, but comparing him to Trump is just completely hyperbolic. And i don't think he was trying to get attention, it wasn't a planned remark. He's a comedian so he will say stupid shit every now and then as do many

Zach Woods looks just like Paul Ryan in that picture….snl should grab him.

Yeah but Indian dads are really like that…I think he's killing it while his mom has some good moments but most Indian moms are not that wooden at all.

I feel like it owes a lot to the space Louie created but he totally makes it his own and in some ways it's better. Obviously being more natural and grounded it makes it that much stronger when he's tackling difficult issues, and it's done in a much less obvious way than when Louis does it. And ck is one of my favorite

I disagree….if the joke was done well and without malice than I think that's exactly the kind of joke Chappelle would laugh at.

Damn, I'm SE Asian and didn't even think that deeply about the context of Pacquio's comments. I'm all for the parades, though not sure which ones you are referring to specifically. They are less about proving who is "right" and just saying that they exist. It's a good point you make about considering strategy

Oh was just replying to the o.p.and you in one swoop. You said the opposite of Captain George. And I see what you're saying about groups…and it's a good point. But he also cares a lot for those groups, he expresses that too, even directly in his comedy. I think in his comedy, his disrespect is more directed at groups

But couldn't that be said about almost every joke he makes? He starts off making fun of the black woman who got beat by police, jokes about beating Mexicans, then about a superhero who gropes women/rapes them. Shouldn't it be obvious that he is just targeting everyone and getting people to laugh at things people are

I don't know about better, but different, evolved, and just like watching a master practicing his craft out loud to an audience. I am actually rewatching age of spin and it's rare being able to rewatch a comic and laugh more…but there's so much on the rewatch, just soaking in how crafty he is and making it look so

Sorry but Chappelle looks comfortable af with his manhood, and just about everything else, probably the most comfortable comic on stage. I also disagree with him having disrespect for people….he's one of the best comedians alive and he tells silly ass stupid stories about everyone and everything…from his perspective

Kendrick Lamar - Swimming Pools(Drank)

Billy Holiday - All of Me….how has she not been covered yet???

Man, I couldn't be happier for Wyatt Cenac. I was worried about him when quit the Daily Show after arguing With Jon about a racist impersonation. But this show suits his humor perfectly. I hope it catches on.

To be fair, her hands were cold when they got married, which is a reptilian trait.

That's a great point, but if he had died at some point without a lot of people knowing, they could have made him a robot. Point is, almost any human on this show could be a robot, and surely some are.

Wouldn't Dolores have a different narrative 35 years back? Seems like she was in the same narrative when she met William; dismounting the horse, the can rolling…etc. That seems to be the most damning evidence against the multiple timeline theory.