
To add to what others have touched on, yes, I think it's a trend, but I think it will outlast westerns—and Westerns were big for 50 years—because of how superhero stories adapt to culture in a way westerns could not. (One might even argue that westerns WERE superhero stories in a way and haven't gone anywhere, just

Actually, she's in there too. ALSO played by Cumberbatch.

B.I.H. Jack Chick, fearmonger and crazyperson

Welcome to the Monopularity.

The Switch looks pretty ambitious. Combining their Mobile and Console devices does have some advantages though, primarily, avoiding handheld stigma ("only rpg nerds need apply") and home console obsolescence (which, let's face it, would be here already if not for Destiny).

I love the cheesy, Contra-boss-ness of the final boss, but it is more confusing than scary or cool.

Oh, it would have been heartbreakingly awesome.

Except… Guys do stupid stuff like that. Because boners. As a Xander identifier in the audience it doesn't seem idiotic. OK; it's idiotic! But it isn't necessarily out of character.

They really are fun for a couple books and then just get too stupid and fan-servicey and out there. I just forgot about them at some point.

Wait… Is that wrong?

I'm good for Buffy.

Yeah, I can't believe he was banging Fred for all those years right under Wesley's nose.

Fair enough. No one I know personally actually bothered to finish it. I don't even remember if I made it to the 'turn into the wolf' part.
But the last time I played it I was impressed that it was pretty dark and dramatic, I guess.

I'm guessing that Switch will have touch capability, they just don't show it because that implies it's a handheld device and they're trying to wow console gamers. The 3DS owners signed on the second the guy picks up the system to go take a shit.

As much as it is about proprietary cash, it's probably about portability and reliability. Discs get dirty, drives get dirty or break down and take up lots of space. I'm guessing they intend for most of the games to be bought and downloaded anyway.

I know you're just being snide, but one of the interesting advantages of this idea appeared in a 'leaked' patent application a while back; you can just design a new accessory pretty cheaply and package it in the game. No need for a 3rd party 'fishing' controller, or whatever, if it just comes with the game in the

Yeah. I'm wary of "Cut some grass, get some hearts back" becoming "hunt some animals, bring them to a crafting station, watch a progress bar, get some hearts back". I'd be surprised if Breath of the Wild isn't hyped to hell by a small cult and then mostly forgotten by everyone else like Twilight Princess.

It'll all end up as a jumble of miscellaneous parts in the end table drawer by the sofa, so don't worry about it.

I can definitely see the value of, say, split screen Mario Kart in the car, but for my kids, not cool, happy twentysomethings.

You really need to watch the video for a good impression. It makes a terrible-sounding idea look pretty good. (and the header image makes the system look really butt-ugly and not approachable)