
Ew, Coke Life is pretty gross. I'm surprised somebody drinks that… but it does explain why it's still around. Good for you.

And then there was .. Coke BlaK

I like "Oh, Hi Hot Pie." Like it ain't no thang.

Or worse, the hound is heading back to KL when he decides "all this repentance shit is such a waste… maybe I'll stab that fat boy for no reason."

So in CT, if you're intoxicated you have to go to the ER, not just the drunk tank at the county jail. It's … an odd law

Stop being such a pretentious asshat. No one cares what you don't like.

way ahead of you

They're evil.

Probably just didn't want to pay him enough.


CBS's Agents of S.T.A.R.F.L.E.E.T.

Yep. That's my takeaway. Way to bring something to life, showrunners.

At least you can eat them…

I really liked how proud and happy Amy seemed about Jake taking charge and deciding to throw the party themselves. It was cute.

Why does this guy… eh

I heard this movie was the end result of—bewilderingly—an attempt to remake "M" (Fritz Lang's 1931 classic), and originally conceived with Shwarzenegger in the lead role. Hollywood magic and a loooooot of script doctoring later, you end up with a glizty kung fu movie with a plot revolving around stable nuclear

Or just Darkhold+Aida=Alternate Universe Framework Ward brought into real world as meat-robot.

And Cobie Smulders is there.

Secret Batman Crossover

would watch