erik nordstrom

Are you going to comment this on every episode? lol

I think what gets people is the warped view of "omnipresent". He does one aftershow at the moment and has a show at midnight. He's doing 2 episodes of this.

But that is your opinion on the value. The network that puts the show you enjoy on the air disagrees it seems.

But he literally is leaving you alone. The website you go to wrote this piece and the TV you watch is hiring him. All avoidable to you completely. Not only do you not want to be left alone, you want to click on articles with his pic and comment on being invaded by too much Hardwick. You see how that's an odd choice

Oh, that's fine. I wasn't trying to convince you to like him. I just think examining his smile is a bit of a stretch in an odd direction. That's all, I am understanding of people not enjoying him even if that isn't my opinion. Thanks for explaining. If we're going with anecdotal, I've met him and he was perfectly

Did you think using a singular pic was a convincing way to show "incapable"? Also, smiling is a variant action, as in 'his smile doesn't look right' is not the same as some link to lack of joy/happiness.

They have a extended version every Thursday online. I assume it still has minor edits. But far fewer.

What? lol. Hardwick hate always reaches for odd things.

Yeah, if someone is all for getting comics more chances I don't see how they could be totally against the show. Even if they'd like better content or something that show puts comedians in front of people who may not have known of them before. It can only really help those comics.

I think people look at Chris now and say that and it seems to fit, but all that stuff is shaped when you are younger to some extent. So if he wasn't handsome and charismatic growing up then I feel like that point of view loses something.

Not sure it was anything new, but I enjoyed the section talking about Robin Williams in the Billy Crystal/Josh Gad Nerdist. I mean it was sad to an extent, but sweet as well.

Although "Nerdist News" has been producing a daily shorter show for like a year. So presumably they have a crew and experience behind them. I'm not saying it will necessarily help, but it is a difference.

He's already talked about not really enjoying SyFy before this. This is less about Chris and hopefully more about the team that's been making "Nerdist News" online for a while. Cool opportunity for them.

But this is you only paying attention at the most surface level.

It's hosted by a woman though.

It says "later this year" not end of year.

That podcast was him hosting a Con panel in 2011 and his friend being in it obviously doesn't equal him liking it. He's said he thinks it's not good, which is the harshest he really gets. He certainly doesn't promote it as good or nerdy as he has with something like Community.

It's interesting that he openly dislikes that show.

Harmontown was never on I agree with your point about Erin making that happen. It would kinda make more sense for it to be on Nerdist because they do the show at Nerdmelt. A Nerdist run theater space in Meltdown Comics. The podcast was never actually associated with Nerdist though.

Read your comment again. You honestly seem aggressive and mad over some moment on a podcast from years ago. I'm not sure I should trust your judgement on much.