Erik Magnu

Agreed, the BART experience going to the Colosseum is much better than the VTA experience going to Levi’s. You know something’s wrong when I’d rather take BART to east Oakland than a light rail to Santa Clara.

Kamala Harris, as a member of the Democratic Party, is already lightyears better than Bernie Sanders.

No! Ban week has gone too far!

And in some cases, these people did it in spite of their party. After Democrats swore up and down that they were coming for Virginia Majority Whip Jackson Miller’s seat months ago, the Richmond Times-Dispatch reported the party essentially cut Lee Carter, a member of the Democratic Socialists of America, off for


If Kyrie has something to say, I think he needs to say it flat out.

I can’t understand why Aunt Jemima even still exists- get your shit together, Quaker. Also, switch to real maple syrup, LW.

This is good East Coast West Coast fighting. All in good fun. See you in finals next year, Cleveland.

Well, Trump handily won Ohio, so he may have a point.

The damage caused by Roger Ailes is truly breathtaking in its impact and scope. Professionally, he was a proto-Rove Richard Nixon accomplice and enabler who went on to found the most powerful and pervasive propaganda network in modern history, which was profoundly responsible for training millions to disregard

If you guys ran an unchallenged opinion from some other reactionary conservative demographic in the United States, you would rightfully be criticized for it. But of course you never would do that, would you? The claim that Fidel Castro’s crimes are equivalent in scale to those of Adolf Hitler is so fucking absurd to

EC votes are Senators plus House reps. So they aren’t proportionately tied to population because a theoretical state with a population of one would still get three EC votes. This means the lower the population of a state, the more powerful a single citizen’s vote in that state is. It’s bullshit that my vote as a