Erik Foerster

actually i think john candy is the newsreel announcer in the beginning

yes because a story about a guy who can bust into flame and fly,a man who can stretch like rubber, a woman who can turn invisible, and a dude made of rocks. should be realistic

it is sad that the Simpsons became a former shadow of it's self a long time ago and is still going because fox isn't willing to part with there cash cow please just stop it

I will watch this Sunday love that episode a classic if fox shows more older episodes I will start watching the Simpsons again

Rex Reed: [on machine] Jay, it's Rex Reed. I don't care if you got the job. I've got a NEW partner. [a monkey screeches on the tape]
Rex Reed: [on machine, proudly] That's right, Pauline Kael!

anyway.. how's your sex life?

so Greg how's your sex life