I wonder why it ended up getting cut. Were Killam's ad-libs in WU really that much of a problem for the running time?
I wonder why it ended up getting cut. Were Killam's ad-libs in WU really that much of a problem for the running time?
That and the wedding toast skit were really two skits crafted right for her. I like when the WU anchors get to leave from behind the desk.
Fuck, they should have like 4 correspondents coming in every week to bring the attention off him. They should not have shitty pictures like the cat with cotton balls. That was the punchline. The whole joke was leading up to a picture of a cat with white dots added to it, and added shittily, although I don't know what…
It was more memorable with the flub, anyway.
Is she gay? I only ask because I never really got that vibe, and I think the idea of "Fats and Dyke", at least from Aidy's contribution, was, wow, I'm surprised that she would be in a skit that called her fat, outright. Was that the same sort of openness with McKinnon, or was her contribution just more a bit?
He had cake in his fucking eye, and kept chugging along.
I hadn't seen that skit before, but three seconds into it I could tell exactly how it was going to play out. It was "Big Ear Family" brought to life.
One ton, one problem; one tonton, three problems.
Yeah, but the Brick Bible is a guy who filters selects the most violent and sexual parts of the bible, and re-enacts them with Legos. There are a few upset Amazon reviews of people who thought the gimmick was the Lego, but that was a phony gimmick. The real gimmick is finding some sick fucking stories in the Bible,…
He's our generation's Rick Rubin!
There was a giant elephant named Hooter. Which, for a 5th grader, provided for enough boob jokes to make it worthwhile.
I'm surprised she signed up for "Fat woman eats food like a pig" sketch. That was bordering on demeaning, but what do I know.
I thought the Howie Long impersonation, in particular, was so weird. At least Jimmy Johnson has a southern accent, and Moynihan did something approximating one. But when someone doesn't do a close impersonation, and the writers don't know how to write for either one to give them a mockable personality (even though…
Is it a given that she will be paired up with a male, or even with anyone else?
Maybe it's because Howie Long has no personality, but, if you can't impersonate him and you don't riff on his persona, then write someone else in there. Isn't Bradshaw still on Fox?
It did punch me in the balls after a wicked split, though.
Really? Zamata seems forced into so much stuff? She was on two skits last night, and both were digital shorts. She danced background in one and maybe had a line in the CVS skit, I don't remember. She should be in less, is what you're saying?
The parts that worked for me were knowing nothing about the actual source material: someone said "score a tackle!", the "injury" to Manning. I'm guessing the Venn diagrams of playwrights and football diehards don't intersect much.
Agreed with the blocking. All the art patrons were there in front of her as she started her lines. I was thinking, "So are we supposed to see her?" And then they cut to a different camera mid-sentence.
Another one: on "I'm Not A Gentleman", he talks about all the crass things he does on dates, like bring women to chicken fights, dressing up in T-shirts, sneakers and jeans, (because, 'I'm from the ghetto, ho!") but then says, "I treat a ho like a ho and a lady like a lady".