
...No. If Philip Roth was allowed to write the same fucking story over and over, about boring, ruthless men on navel-gazing quests for sexual fulfillment — and win prizes for it — and be called one of the greatest writers of his generation — I think we as a culture can afford Beyoncé space to take what is personal to h

A Becky is a white girl, though.

I feel like Beyonce is being quite direct, not really anything passive about it. She’s putting a personal experience, one that unfortunately is shared by many, in a political context. If that’s over your head it’s one thing, but it seems like if you’re reading a post about it and commenting on it, you give more than a

I don't like the comments I'm reading on here. Yea they ran from the cops, but basically saying because they ran from the cops they deserved to die is just as wrong as them running from the cops. They may have been bad apples but they still should have survived to be held accountable for their actions.

Whhhhhat?! I love her socks and shoe combo! I think it is very charming.

That is an aspirational ass. I have almost 2 years to get there.

She’s performing over his set. It’s not equipped for a specific performance from her. No backup singers or the regular backing track that has the chorus. So he just turned down the regular vocals from the song a bit and she sang over it.

Somewhere higher-ranked than Tulane. That’s why they let me teach at Tulane for two years. My dad is a Tulane alum too, but he’s not an ignorant bigot, thankfully.

Come on, they don’t have any intention to vote let alone find out where a polling station is!

Noted racists support noted racist.

Professional photographers cost a lot of money because they’re worth a lot of money. You want a professional to take photos for 8-10 hours, then process/airbrush/curate those photos? It’s going to cost you at least $1500. Anything less and you’re probably dealing with an amateur and/or a crook.

Just noticed the nosering, which makes the look even cooler, yet perhaps another reason for getting picked on... can’t allow stylish individuals at a trendy clothing store after all.

Depends on the colour of the person wearing it, perhaps.

So, besides being a trendy knock-off brand,
they now also officially OPPOSE beautiful & stylish hairstyles?

It’s about hypocrisy you dipshit. But I’m sure you knew that already and are being willfully ignorant.

It’s okay to make fun of a person who campaigns on a racist, misogynistic, and bigoted platform. Making fun of his name is probably the most innocent joke you could make about such a worthless human being. It’s funny to see people like yourself so defensive about protecting their hatemonger though. “The left is such

Ah yes, the “I make everything I don’t like into a sweeping political statement” guy. We were wondering when you’d be joining us.

The only way you could construe that as making fun of someone is that if you felt that there was something wrong with the name Drumpf. The funny part is where people as xenophobic as Trump or his followers wouldn’t find it amusing to refer to a name that alludes to his family being immigrants at some point in time. I

If you attack where other people come from it’s only fair that people attack where you come from.

aw boo hoo hoo. Cry more, honky.