That's not one that bothers me. It has a precedent, and it matches reasonably well with Athena.
That's not one that bothers me. It has a precedent, and it matches reasonably well with Athena.
David Bowie and Iman named their daughter Alexandria, so as far as I'm concerned the name is perfect.
No smile has ever been or ever will be creepier.
If I told my husband that I wasn't comfortable with a particular sexual act and his response was "that is such a turn-off", I might never have sex with him again.
Bye Felicia.
This compqny is very nicw and good company og friends to post reviews good.businnesses. Everybody make money for working for good company please!"!! #YOLO
incorrect. you cannot make lasagna without cheese, and those sad, pale things they call 'vegan cheese' are unworthy of mention.
Um, the second letter writer's guy is a piece of shit. Caring for someone with ALS is spectacularly and singularly difficult, physically and emotionally. Never waste another minute of your life interacting with that man, and do look into a visiting nurse. You need time for yourself, whether it feels like it or not.
But if you don't brag about him on Facebook does he really even exist?
I will never understand the absolute disdain for black people so many assholes have. WHAT. IS. YOUR. FUCKING. PROBLEM.
You ask the important questions.
Without hesitation: fuck RiRi, marry Bey, kill Nicki.
you make a great point about that G & T .
I like the old-school 70s Erica Jong/Joan Didion-style cover, too.
Eww, somebody bought that book?
I was going to say the opposite of that! Who takes *ten minutes* to poop? I'm in and out in like three, tops.
You need more fiber, yo. And maybe liquids.
YEAH, CAITLIN DOUGHTY! (This is not a super appropriate response to this piece, but I just love her so much, I can't help it.)