Erika Bade

Anybody else think this might end with Dylan living alone in the house, running the hotel? Not saying he's gonna go crazy, but maybe he'll have the hermit aspect Norman did in the movie. Just an idea.

Nothing…… he's a comedian not some sort of social justice warrior. Hillary had every influential celebrity in her corner, Including Mr. 2016 Lin-Manuel Miranda making funny commercials and stumping for her every chance he got, and none of it mattered! Colbert wanted Hillary to win and was extremely clear on that, but

This is hilarious because Bernie supporters attacked him for supporting Hillary and ripping on Bernie. Not to mention half the country calling him a liberal shill. Guy can't make anybody happy.(That's what happens when you play a character for almost ten years that people mirror their beliefs onto)

I like everything about the season so far except Sam. Having him be a cheater would be an interesting twist on it's own, but to have him have NO likable qualities really bugs me. When Madeline says "he wouldn't do that!" to Norman, I had to laugh. Really lady? He's been a dick to you every time he opens his mouth, and

My neighbor just gave me a bunch of his dead wife's clothes. It was really weird, but I felt like I couldn't say no. I thought it would just be a few things, but he took me all through the house asking me about practically everything she had, including socks, shoes, purses, etc (not underwear thank goodness). Most of

Its candy corn, same as the movie. Another great touch. Even the lighting was the same! A perfect homage scene.

In the movie they say that he put her in the cellar for quite a while, treating the body, "and that still wasn't enough". Who knows how long that length of time was? He might wait until all the fervor dies down, and as they also say, live the life of a hermit, until people don't really care very much about it anymore.

There was a scene early to mid season 3, and now I cannot remember at all what it was…. but I don't think I've ever heard him more perfectly channel Anthony Perkins than that moment. Man I really want to see that again now. I'm watching Psycho for the first time since starting the show this coming Monday. It's my

They make a joke about that in Season 3 where Norman says something like "Who wants to be Peter Pan?", I think it was to Emma when they were trying to date.

That's exactly how Norman is in the movie. He's sweet, but also stiff and creepy in an odd sort of way. That's one of the reasons I always loved the character so much, one of the best movie characters ever in my opinion. I love the tilt between shy and lovable/off-putting and weird that Anthony Perkins played so well.

Something I suggest people look up too is his "extra" song, not in the actual show, "Cold Cold Christmas". It's a hilariously dark country-style Christmas song, and one of the only holiday tunes my grinchy sisters actually love. My favorite line has to be when he wishes "a blustery landscape of pain". Hilarious.

I sure hope Cole's comments about wanting to be a "real" dad was just because it was Allison perceiving it, and was clouded by her guilt of hidden paternity. Otherwise, I'd think he's a bit of a twat. You still have to be a good parent if you adopt a child, still have to protect them and not fuck it all up, as he

I love that guy, he's from a town close to the one I grew up in and calls into local radio a lot to talk about board games! :)

In a strange way, I think the show kind of ended well for Betty too. She's always embraced her youthful beauty, and now she gets to stay that way in people's minds forever. Notice in her letter to Sally, she focuses on how her corpse should look….what her dress and hairstyle should be. That's how she's always imagined