Erik Lonnrot

one-handed catch and I’m supposed to check out his fundamentals? dollars to donuts this bear has no idea who his dad is, either

Maybe it was for his “If you can read this, the bitch fell off” t-shirt.

It’s actually a throwback to the old times when parks were shoehorned into cities and had to work around existing infrastructure. But, yeah, it made no sense. We were all just so happy to be out of the dome we pretended we liked it.

Because baseball stadiums were originally squeezed in to urban lots by skinflint owners, a ton of layout quirks were forced into being. Others have mentioned the flagpole in Cincinnati. I assume you know about the Green Monster. The Polo Grounds (where the New York Giants played) had an outfield so sunken, the manager

It’s a Conquest Knight, and it’s made in the last place you’d ever need such a vehicle - Canada.

yeah, if that was true you would dry out the steak by using a thermometer.

Agreed, you use the bones of your enemies to dig the pit.

We Americans need to understand a basic fact: Without the French, there quite likely would not have been a USA.

I couldn’t care less about women’s soccer, but that 2012 Olympics penalty sequence was highway robbery.

Solo is a good name for someone who likes Ayn Rand

Could there be a worse decision in a redemption piece than to declare your kinship with renowned lunatic Ayn Rand?

Nazi memorabilia collectors are strange.

especially those with a very distinct voice and style

When some wild-eyed, eight-foot-tall maniac grabs your neck, taps the back of your favorite head up against the barroom wall, looks you crooked in the eye, and asks you if you paid your dues; you just stare that big sucker right back in the eye, and you remember what ol’ Jack Burton always says at a time like that:

It is a testament to the Rock that I was ready to RAGE until I read his name. Now I’m merely apprehensive/perturbed.

Schwinnggggtime for Hitler, and Germany.

Dear British military: Tanks for teaching the driver an important lesson. It certainly armed them for the future, and perhaps gave them some emotional armor to better deal with problems in the future. They were probably blown away with surprise, but will tread more lightly moving forward. Their future learning will be

If you’re getting paid to goof off on Deadspin and make puns like this, I’m incredibly envious of your sinecure

Clearly this is absolutely hilariously ridiculous. HOWEVER, I am strongly of the belief that WAY TOO MANY CHILDREN are driven to school nowadays. It seems as though every child is driven and almost no children walk to school anymore. No wonder we’re all fat.