Chickens will absolutely eat chicken. You don’t even need to process it into pellets or anything first. They are tiny dinosaurs.
Chickens will absolutely eat chicken. You don’t even need to process it into pellets or anything first. They are tiny dinosaurs.
Chickens will absolutely eat chicken. You don’t even need to process it into pellets or anything first. They are tiny dinosaurs.
If you mysteriously disappear in the next couple of months we’ll know where to look.
Less so in Langley than most of the country to be honest.
BC edition!
Let’s not forget that Hobby Lobby has also funded ISIS by buying antiquities looted from Iraq and Syria.
Some bigots can be taught the error of their ways (usually the ones who’ve never met anyone from the groups they were raised to hate), but others are always going to be bigots. If they’ll never overcome their bigotry our best bet is just to make them too afraid to show it in public. Calling people out and confronting…
Are you under the impression that I’m a Democrat?
Are you me? My parents took me to see both True Lies and Goldeneye in theatres when I was 8 but wouldn’t let me watch the Simpsons until I was 11-12.
I’m glad to see that Gulf states buying off people in Washington has finally trickled down to hockey fans.
One a year is my limit. Although to be fair, the quality seems to have improved considerably since I made that policy a decade ago.
Yeah, with this administration you need people who are willing to defy illegal orders. Haspel has proven that she has no problem carrying out illegal orders and then destroying the evidence.
Say what you will about the Nazis, they had some sharp uniforms.
Or sticks around until you complete the course of antibiotics.
And here I was thinking guys that did this were being progressive. There’s always a douchey outlier I guess.
I’ve never done any kind of lifting and even I can tell that he is about to hurt himself there.
Got it.
Big, loud, dirty V-twin rascals. They could leave the clothing line exactly the same.
Which is especially funny with an HD bike, between the poor performance and huge weight I can’t think of many bikes less likely to endo than a Harley.