Eric Geller

@ocionscontor: Coyotes can buy automatic weapons? That sounds vaguely wrong in some way.

Maybe you can only buy fireworks in Arizona with valid proof of citizenship.

@dgstan: I had heard about this but thought that the conditions were also a contributing factor.

You know what might cost less and still provide the same result? Improving the conditions that are making your workers want to jump in the first place.

Love this tip!

VOTE: Blogger

For the record, this page has been available for a while.

This is definitely not as clumsy or random as a gun. In fact, I would say it's an elegant weapon for a more civilized time.

I find it interesting that, prior to the iPad, this would be considered an "Apple tablet." The word "tablet" has changed in its most common meaning from Wacom-style graphics products to slate-style computers.

@talkingstove: They're trying desperately to fight the reality distortion field / shock collar.

VOTE: Skype

VOTE: Google Profiles

VOTE: Mediafire

@SFLegend: Not yet, but that both makes sense and seems doable! Thanks!

TV Rename is great. My only complaint is that I can't get it to ignore a particular file during renaming. Sometimes I want it to rename everything that it found during the Rename Check EXCEPT for one or two items. What I'm forced to do is copy down the original names of the two files, do the batch rename, and then

@TheFu: Yeah, I figured I would have to go the desktop route. Thanks for the advice!

@J Squiggles: For now, you can use Alt+Left Arrow to go back one page and to the point you were viewing.

@Navin R Johnson: Yeah, I saw a few of those, but none of them support resolutions high enough to make me happy.