Eric Geller

Excellent guide, and sure to be helpful on Friday!

Yet again, Lifehacker finds a utility that I never knew I wanted. Now, of course, it's an instant download! #wallpaper

Did you guys not read the post?

I guess I'll go with TweetDeck. It's my second favorite behind Twhirl, but that one didn't make the list.

VOTE: Twhirl

I have an iPod touch, so I chose the dedicated media player option even though this thing does so much more. I don't want to pay expensive phone plans; I'll keep my LG EnV and do everything else on the iTouch. I don't have a very big music collection to begin with, so I'm finding the iPod perfectly suited for my

This explains a lot. I get up at 6:30 a.m. for school every weekday and I'm usually really tired by 8 p.m. I always wondered why that was. This seems to make sense.

Gmail isn't my primary email account, so I managed fine. I use Gmail mostly for the chat feature, but I was still able to do that on my iGoogle homepage.

At first my chat disconnected and wouldn't reconnect despite having no Internet problems. Then, when I went back to Gmail later, I saw that Offline Gmail had reset and was no longer syncing. So I set that up again, only to see the sync fail with a server error over and over. Then, a few minutes later, Gmail froze

Just tried it out. Works like a charm. I don't know when I would ever use this, but it's pretty nifty nonetheless.

This is my home connection. It's not bad; I rarely notice speed problems except during eight-person Skype calls.

I have actually been looking for a slick, functional, and easy-to-use document management program for months now. As always, Lifehacker does my work for me! :)

@outerfringe: An excellent question. Hopefully this decision by B&N puts pressure on them.

Excellent decision on B&N's part. More people will be coming in now, browsing both their Wi-Fi and their books, so that means more business.

I love OpenDNS. Not only is it easy to use, but it provides a great feature set that can be implemented with minimal effort.

I jumped on the "20" Acer X203Hbd Widescreen LCD Monitor for $100 + Free Shipping" deal. Looks like a great product, and what a deal!

The 19" Dell Widescreen monitor looks like it's at $109 now. Seems like every time I click a LH link to a monitor sale, the price goes up by the time I get to the page.

If I had a netbook, I would definitely put Windows 7 on it. As it is, I have 7 on two 2005 Pentium 4 Dells and it's working really well.

Adam and Kevin's posts inspired me to snap shots of my own laptop bag gear. While most of my gear is in my backpack when I'm on the go, I do keep a variety of cables and gadgets in the laptop bag for easy access. Click here to see my laptop bag Flickr set.

I've got a dedicated machine for Windows 7. And the funny thing is, it's an old (2005) Pentium 4 Dell. And Windows 7 runs perfectly! Great improvement over Vista IMO. Microsoft gets too much hate for Windows, but with 7, they're hitting the ball out of the park.