Ricky Sunnyvale

crackpipe - $1200 on a good day.

no different than an Uber - you buy a ‘ticket’ to a destination. A street hailed taxi is different than that.


Greed is a bitch, but Communism is worse. A truly free market solves these things, but so long as the ‘haves’ are able to buy power to write laws to further their agendas, tax the populus by fiat, and be generous with other people’s money, the ‘have nots’ will continue to optimize their own personal interests before

it’s the fundamental nature of a train, or plane or a bus too, but those are not taxis. 

I hear ya - and appreciate having an intelligent conversation, Aquaticko. This is fun. The older I get, the more I understand business - I used to be very ‘idealistic’ like you. But the reality of the consumer behavior is what ‘business’ has to optimize to - not the ‘ideal’. eg. explain Hyundai/Kia in terms of

well, Taxis can street hail and rideshare cannot. Taxis get special queue lines, and rideshare does not. Taxis get price certainty, and rideshare does not. Taxis get paid a lot more because they can charge more. Taxis are gross inside, and rideshare is not. Taxis are 99% utilized capital, a rideshare vehicle is not

taxi drivers are 10-99 contractors, not employees almost universally

it’s not his money - that’s the difference.

Elon Musk is a charlatan.  That is all. 

well, at least we both agree that isn’t an unbiased argument. I do not advocate that corporations maximize shareholder value at all costs - simply making the point that maximization is the prime objective - of course there are constraints of law, and physics, and one could even argue ethics being a constraint. But a

we shall agree to disagree on that Jagarillo.  I won’t argue the point, just suggest you take a few Economics classes.

Nominated for Thread of the Year - this is soooo Jalopnik

Matchbox.  Done.

that’s all it is

Anyone here watch Garage Squad on Velocity -  it’s all filmed right here in the Plainfield, IL area -  those guys hoon their builds on the very same roads this guy did.  That’s what we do out here in corn country.   double standard if I ever saw one.

I didn’t see this guy’s youtube - but I DO live in Plainfield, IL. The name of our town is pretty spot on descriptive - outside of town is nothing but straight asphalt roads and cornfields. This is EXACTLY WHERE YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO DO YOUR HOONING.. I hoon around here all the time out in the country, and drive nice in

someone ^ took an Econ class.  :)

heckblende is NOT German. It’s “midwest hick” as in “whaddaya wanna do with the taillights Earl? I dunno Joe...heck, blend ‘em all the way from dere to dere and call ‘er good”

it really started in the 80's when dual deck cassette became ubiquitous - part of me thinks that should have been legislated out of existence, and then the free market Libertarian majority of me says “that’s not how it works, bud”.