Ricky Sunnyvale

Vortex is 100% right - though I tend to prefer to start with a P71 and upgrade, starting with a regular Vic is probably better for most folks. I think this is a NP ‘Asking Price’. I’d own it for less - it’d sell sub $3 in cash. This is a “Street Appearance” car - considering it already has carpet and that trunk

or even if you really don’t...nothing takes abuse and neglect better than these. Perfect teenager car.

nope - safety’s inherently good. It’s just an unintended consequence and the reality of progress.

replace the word “kids” with people - the very low probability of dying in today’s cars is exactly why people drive distracted with such ease. They don’t think they’re gonna die - and don’t really care that much if someone else does.

Personally, I think the perception by kids who drive that they’re going to walk away from a wreck is part of the problem. Being largely confident that you’re gonna die or get seriously hurt if you screw up is not a bad thing. My opinion - which many will disagree with.

I’ve got a 23 year old and a 17 year old - and still subscribe to the ‘beater is better’. Why? My son wrecked 3 of 4 mustangs - the only one he didn’t wreck is the crappy one he bought himself. Wrecked the ones I paid for. Now he drives a Crown Vic P71. Daughter is a little more responsible, but still in a Mazda 3

the thumb abides

Ditto - baby blue Linc with a Landau makes you uber-jalop, son.

well, I guess it’s better than naming your ‘sport’ package a TuRD

Not just a crack pipe - there’s NO WAY I could stand driving a car with that awful crooked center stack. My OCD just can’t take it.

oh SATAN is certainly present here...hiding in plain sight.

absolutely perfect. well played.

that’s what I said.

a college kid car should be a college kid car. They need a shitbox. A Camryccordltimaolla or something of the ilk. Preferably with no working a/c and manual crank windows. It should be the color of dirt and acid-rain spots. Why? They have (or should have) no money to pay for it or fix it, won’t take the time to

If only it were new enough....I’d Uber the crap outta that thing. Imagine the ratings and tips you could get.....

your logic is interfering with the drama here, Haze.

Government here in the USA will NEVER agree to codify regulation or standards that have any real meaning for autonomous cars. Here’s why: The very basis of an autonomous vehicle is a set of algorithms that decide how to act and react to external, continuously changing stimuli. The algorithm must make the ultimate

Primalzer - your ‘path’ is quite similar to mine. Here is my short version story - 26+ “cars” in 15 years. For the first 10, I flip/flopped every year or 2 between car and pickup truck - and every other car was manual. I had a truck, wanted a car - had a car, needed a truck - had a boring-mobile and wanted a ‘fun’

well done.

if that’s true, you’re simply a bad driver. It’s your job to know how fast you’re going,and 80 before you realize is just reckless.