I CP’ed just for the decals.
I CP’ed just for the decals.
Basis transportation in good shape under 100,000 miles and under five grand. Easy nice price here, good car first car for a kid, or adult with not a lot of dough that needs a car. Sport decals are goofy, but kinda in the who cares category, you are not buying this because you want to impress anyone, you are buying…
The perfect beater car.
I CP’ed just for the decals.
Who says the Malaise Era ended in the 80's? This thing is as malaise as it gets.
Great first car for a kid. Even the goofy decals would look perfectly at home in any high school parking lot.
This. Crap then. Crappier now.
this lump of crap wasn’t worth 20 grand when it was new. CP.
Be square. I would totally buy an affordable, comfortable, retro-boxy car like a 240, Acclaim/Spirit, or Ciera.
As the saying goes - “you can milk a cow everyday, but you can only bleed it once”.
From the anecdotes I’ve been hearing for years, it seems the real problem (besides the EV turmoil, which is to be expected as the industry largely transitions away from ICE) is that Wall Street sees a new financial milestone reached and decides that the milestone is the baseline moving forward. RV companies sold…
If you drive it this much and keep it this clean, odds are you maintained it well and addressed issues immediately. I feel like there’s a Laffer curve in there somewhere of desirability that low cost high miles starts to become attractive in the idea that you know the guy who owned it wasn’t a clown and respected what…
Bro, you ever bro’d so hard you bro’d a bro?
We live in the end of days where nothing makes sense anymore, so sure, why not. NP for the increasing fragmentation of reality and sense.
That interior does look fantastic, though. Almost got me to hit the NP.
I’m going to be optimistic and assume the dealer had a kid on the lot with spare time who gave this a really nice detail and not that they are trying to distract from any funny business.
the gall of saying Porsche’s iconic Guards Red isn’t the better color smh
It looks good and the price seems right. Nice Price here.