Ricky Sunnyvale

you used up ALL the crack.....ON PURPOSE. (let’s see if anyone gets this reference.)

meth heads don’t try this hard - zero attention span.

we’ve got enough of the other media - car and driver, motor trend, whatever DeMuro is doing, etc... we need even MORE of this stuff - it’s the Jalop that makes this motley crew of a community cool to me.

I love EVERYTHING about this.

I wear Hoppe’s No. 9 as aftershave

PB Blaster - and it smells better too

I think I’m in love...

you started off strong, son - but then it all went to pots and pans.

why would you do that to anyone, much less a guest of our fine nation?

no, you are not, and get new, better friends after telling your current shitspankers to frig off. Me n Bubbles think you’re pretty cool.

because shit like this belongs on the Friday page, not the Wednesday page.

Rob ‘wrote’ this article with an epic hangover in process - it’s just bad, and he’s normally decent at worst and really good most of the time. Are there no editors left at GMG?

correct.  This is FREEDOM.  whether folks like it or not. 

working on Jeeps is NOT fun. they are miserable piles of marginal, even factoring the time period long ago from which their design engineering spawned. And in the end, you’ve got an overall marginal vehicle that is certainly quite capable in certain contexts, and otherwise miserable to drive and own/maintain. The one

the only actual answer to this one is ANY vehicle you want that can tow 3500# and THIS

maybe, but i’m still jealous of it.

And if you turn it down too many times, you get fired.

they are not the same.  Cancels should be punished - it’s bad customer service. Not Accepts simply roll to the next driver.

not quite - Uber tells you who wants a ride and where to find that person.