Ricky Sunnyvale

that’s not how door panels work - pull one off and look. 

yes - I already covered this - the Delta was the anomaly car - it was the Camry of the day - appliance like and most often very basic. 

indeed - sharing rung 2 with Oldsmobile but with the sporty spice instead of posh spice.

the first new car I bought was a 92 Toyota Tercel. It was the ‘stripper’ one with vinyl seats, optional A/C, a 4 speed manual (next model up had a 5 speed) and also an optional passenger side mirror. I bought the mirror for $43.50 and put it on myself. We used to turn our heads a lot more when driving cars....

In the context of this article about decontenting, I have certainly oversimplified. There is a sunk marginal cost of development that has to be amortized over the quantity built - However, the door cards (and even the door assemblies) are kitted ahead of final assembly - and then sequenced into production. The ACTUAL

it would be even better as an actual stripper - priced under 20 grand.  The rental spec Chargers are pretty lux - I just drove one 1500 miles - very nice car.  This is the ONLY analogue to the now dead Panther - if ANYONE can pull this off, it’s Chrysler on the LX platform - if they can only get the quality up while

It’s cheaper to build one assembly vs 2.

clearly you’re not an engineer, nor a cost accountant. There’s not enough time or space here to get you 20 years experience in this. 

Boomers robbed the future generations of everything there was, and made X pay the mortgage to bail out our kids....but we’re squeezed.

I’m 50, and feel every minute of it. Will never make it past 75, and frankly, I’ve seen what 80+ looks like - not interested....looks like pure hell.

Jeff?   is that you?  cuz that was me.  Muir’s book had the answer to everything.

The problem is, you can’t produce 2 window opening mechanisms for less money than just making one. That’s why we don’t have simple hand crank windows anymore- to do that you have to make a separate interior card for the door, armrest, mechanism, a crank arm, etc, and then have that unit have it’s own dedicated

put a Jabra on the visor and you’re golden - $89.00 - solved, and you can still hear the radio at the same time.

I don’t think so, modern economies of scale have made power windows and basic electronics super cheap. It’s the rarely purchased options that will be made expensive or cancelled. Unfortunately, that means less manuals, less interior color choices, less paint choices - basically less of anything that can’t be


right - Olds was the first rung of the ladder up from Chevy, followed by Buick and then Cadillac. People WANT aspirational cars/brands - and that’s a good thing - but not everyone wants ALL the doo-dads - which is also a good thing. We’re at a stage now where there’s little to nothing ‘basic’ offered that isn’t some

A LOT of GenX’ers are/were BAD at parenting - not that every generation didn’t have that - but so many of us were ‘latchkey’ kids - we weren’t ‘parented’ enough by our folks to learn how to do it.

Oh cool a Gen Xer throwing shade at the millennials how original.

shitmobiles and dope, mustard and bologna.........

Hell, give me just the push button start and the engine and I’ll add the rest myself.