Ricky Sunnyvale

in that day and before, that was a positive selling point - factory Alpine that looked just like the one you could buy at your local hi-fi shop. BMW, Mercedes, Audi, even some domestics and Japanese did the same. Through today’s lens, it’s tacky - back then it was less tacky and far preferred than taking your car to

I can’t add a single thing thing to this thread - you literally took all the words and thoughts yourself, you selfish bastard. 

the apps will be shut of in California about 2 minutes after it’s signed.  Those people will be out of gig.   Best thing Uber and Lyft can do is stop the service that they’re already losing money doing.  The old adage, when you’re in a hole, stop digging.  Ya’ll are gonna be hoofing it shortly. 

simple - the chassis of the truck slid up the guy wire holding the pole.  Definitely a brown spot moment for that kid - probably playing with his phone at the time. 

doesn’t smell like the inside of a stripper’s purse,

literally the perfect Uber car.  fully depreciated and can do XL. This will pay for itself in 3 or 4 months of part time ubering and then you’ve got a truck in the clear for nothing but a little sweat equity. 

one of the rare moments when the wrap probably DOES add value - lotta truck/buck and swapping those ugly wheels is easier and cheaper than you might think.

I’m the OCD guy, yeah, particularly when it’s that much dough in conversation.  On a pocket money $4k toy, not so much....

I’d buy a brand spanking new Miata over that 2011 5 owner car with an accident on its carfax - in fact, there’s no circumstance where I’d buy a 5 owner 8 year old, been in a wreck,  Big Money Waster nightmare on wheels at all.  

You’re really weird. That’s such a rando thing to lust for. But it is Jalopnik at it’s core - Thumbs UP for keeping it 100, bud. But like water under the fridge, that car’s time has passed us by.

dude, you can have a brand spanking new Miata for that money....there’s not enough crack on earth to make this look like a good idea.

because ick...

What are the requirements to get into those positions?

a lot of people think that’s how it works....I used to.  It doesn’t work that way.  What happens if a company just kicks the wages up is that you get the very same people, you just pay them more, and they actually work LESS, while continuing to complain that it’s not enough.  Amazon is learning this lesson HARD for

That, Margo, is just not true - but both Lyft and Uber play this game really well, and a LOT of people buy into that idea.  There was a time that incentives and surge were really meaningful - but the VC money dried up and now it’s all smoke and mirrors.   The incentives are laughable now. Surge is gone, replaced with

I’m down the street from an Amazon facility in the midwest - this time of year, they suck up all the labor with slightly above market wages, torture the people, and I get them after Amazon kicks them out for not making rate or they quit because the work is too strenuous or the hours suck. Then I pay them slightly less

I have more trouble with finding people who can pass a drug screen or criminal background check than I do with wages. We’re at virtually 100% employment in the ‘draw’ area for these jobs.  I could pay more - but the people I have are happy to eat up the overtime at time and a half. 

FAR more strenuous than cruising around in an air conditioned car, taking breaks whenever you feel like it, playing the radio and sitting on your ass dicking around on facebook half the time....yeah.  And yeah, fully paid company healthcare - with a buy up option if you want even better coverage, lower out of pocket

destination is not known until the pax gets in the car (technically). There is little penalty for cancelling a ride - and unlike the early days, there’s little to no penalty for calling or messaging the pax and asking them the destination and cancelling at that point. LOTS of drivers risk deactivation daily by getting

correct - the tasks at McDonalds require more training and broader skillsets. The skills to be a successful entrepreneur are much higher. Therein lies the rock-and-a-hard-place world of most rideshare drivers that are arguing this point.  The rideshare drivers that do this as a ‘side hustle’ are all doing just fine,