Funny Or Die has released a behind-the-scenes video from Donald Trump’s The Art of the Deal: The Movie, in which…
Funny Or Die has released a behind-the-scenes video from Donald Trump’s The Art of the Deal: The Movie, in which…
In case you missed it, we’ve decided to change up the old Deadcast here and spend 45 minutes every week doing…
I was hanging out with a friend the other day when I mentioned that FX was gonna start airing a miniseries about the…
Airbus made a startling patent filing this week showing a new interior configuration with a mezzanine level of…
While delayed for several months, Hanamonogatari, the latest tales from the sprawling Monogatari franchise, has…
Supernatural collectible card game? Check. Cute, innocent female characters? Check. Depressing descent into a pit…
We are now six weeks into the summer anime season, and with 44 new anime on the air it can be more than a little…
Ping Pong: The Animation is far from being your normal sports anime. Rather, it is an insightful coming-of-age tale…
Take all those overused rom-com anime clichés, throw them into a sci-fi thriller with dark themes and a liberal…
Tokyo ESP is the story of a teenage girl with the power to phase through solid objects and a teenage boy with the…