One Sorry Polontologist

I would be more interested to hear how long it took him to finish.

It's a grey area. Like, how we would feel the same way if we ever had footage of a Kardashian getting injured. We all KNOW that somewhere inside is a human, but all we can SEE is the costume...

Sounded like 'slow down there {you know what} as in: I'm too old and getting paid too much not to make this play.

What happens when the trade clowe? Any plans to edit/make a new one?

That response kind of makes you sound like a dick, odhere

Wouldn't stop knocking off the stache

This feels like a tribute video after some sort of tragedy. But it isn't... Right?

yikes, bro. take a chill pill and enjoy the iceeeeeeeeeee

The line about snake alley and her 'twisting path' is excruciating. She isn't some poor kid getting bullied by rich kids. She is a drunk idiot who was too drunk. That's it.

That just sounds like Tom Osborne trying to convince you that he isn't Tom Osborne. Seen it a million times.

not only is there a typo in that post, but it is also gross and offensive.

lighten up

this is really disgusting.
