
As I prepare to stream the current season, I have trouble remembering exactly what went on during season 3, which was many years ago. But I’m told this is a much better season, and that’s all I’m asking for.

Thank you. Will watch.

What is Placebo?

I still don’t get why this show is so popular, but it sure has great songs from the 80s. I’m glad it’s not set in the 90s.

This was good, much better than expected. If I had believed the comparisons to Le Carre-adapted movies, I wouldn’t have watched.

This was a waste of time and money and the jurors should have awarded one dollar to each of them.

Depp was in the UK? Doing a new movie, you think? So career not damaged, you say? Just sayin’, for all I know, he lives there.

Not having seen the sequel yet, I thought Val Kilmer only appeared as a bad PhotoShopped portrait. I don’t mind being spoiled, and this AI software is an interesting tool for filmmakers.

Anya Taylor-Joy was also in The Northman and of course Netflix’s The Queen’s Gambit, without doubt her most memorable role so far.

Hm... which other actors read for the Anakin part in Eps 2 and 3?

If social media apps had existed when Star Trek first aired, I can only imagine the racist bullshit the cast would have gotten every hour of every day.

You know the twist in the season finale will be that Batman ain’t dead.

Yep. How about recommendations for apartments with brick and concrete walls?

A very racist character in an upcoming Star Wars TV show is dispatched of in a very horribly violent but amusing way. Lucasfilm, I dare you to do this.

Every Star Wars producer/executive producer who’s on social media needs to tweet/post the same ASAP.

Not according to the three production companies that worked on delivering CGI for the movie. One of my college teachers worked on it, and we saw that movie a few times during class, with him breaking down the effects for us students.

All the great shows on FX.


Guess a big reveal will let us know which famous actor is playing her.

First major CGI movie was TRON.