Swallowing can get you pregnant?!
Swallowing can get you pregnant?!
Q: Are langoustines baby lobsters?
Interesting. Will take a look.
Somebody explain the difference between Maine/Boston lobsters and those in East Asia/Australia...
Rather impressive if you consider those factories also supply their international locations, in this era of problematic supply chain.
Idris Elba as a genie, yes, and in the wilderness, no.
Now and Then is dubbed, isn’t it? Kinda unwatchable to me.
Bottled water factories AND manufacturers of bottles with newfangled features.
IMHO this slide show would have benefited from a wide-angle lens. Or perhaps a video of all the cool things in display.
I love Minnie Driver. More power to her!
Five oceans? Have you ever heard of the Seven Seas?
It helps that this is an anthology series and is not an episodic TV show.
Worse than that true crime show with Renee Zellweger a couple of months ago?
She’d get things done without playing dirty.
Is Taiwanese shaved ice identical to kakigori?
I hope no one named their newborn daughters after Wanda they way some named theirs Khaleesi a few years ago. Ha!
The GOP sees nothing wrong in controlling all women and girls.
Ban condoms and oral sex because sex is only for making babies.