Eric S. Smith

Danish “Ames,” father of “Jasper,” does exist; he just vanishes, along with all of the other school-related characters, once “Bennett” is cleared.  The AMC version is smart to re-use him instead of introducing even more suspects.

Danish “Ames,” father of “Jasper,” does exist; he just vanishes, along with all of the other school-related characters, once “Bennett” is cleared.  The AMC version is smart to re-use him instead of introducing even more suspects.

The evidence that's not in Gil's storage locker is in Linden's coat pocket.  A trial lawyer would just have to get the confession ruled inadmissible or discredit it on the basis that the accused was badgered into it by a suspended officer desperate to unbotch the most disastrously mishandled investigation in the

The evidence that's not in Gil's storage locker is in Linden's coat pocket.  A trial lawyer would just have to get the confession ruled inadmissible or discredit it on the basis that the accused was badgered into it by a suspended officer desperate to unbotch the most disastrously mishandled investigation in the

I endorse this product or service:  a Vancouver-set Chris Haddock version of The Killing would be magical.  He even did a series involving incredibly slow-paced municipal politics with a mayor and his two assistants (Da Vinci's City Hall).

Like so many details of the show, the closing music is lifted from the original Danish version, but used half-assedly:  in Forbrydelsen, it would take over the soundtrack completely, and then swooosh into the end credits seamlessly.  So of course The Killing brings the drums up, but insists on having dialogue and

That scene was effectively a Smiley’s People homage: the banking related pretext for the meeting, the big empty room, the incriminating photos followed by the invitation to phone whoever he liked…

No mention of the yellow chalk in “stray observations?” It’s a Smiley’s People reference!

Nazir could have been manipulating Elizabeth through a less terroristy-looking proxy who gave her the idea of recruiting Brody into politics.  That person’s identity would be safer with her dead.

Worse than not caring, he kind of looks like he’s annoyed that his suit is ruined.

The original and an alternative
In one of the Sud interviews, she burbles about letting the story develop organically and also claims that there's more material in the Danish original that she wants to use. What she really means is that she's been cribbing from Forbrydelsen point by point for the whole season, and

Late night cravings.

Actually, Linden's real head full of rocks moment where the casino was concerned was when she actually said "circling the wagons." Mireille Enos has Linden kind of swallow the line a bit.

Liar-Will-Perspire: Holder is unlike his Danish counterpart, Meyer, in many ways. Meyer is much less "colourful." He has a mysterious prescription and eats bananas, but these are just odd little things about Meyer, not part of a recovering addict subplot.

10% Office Budget Cut
I don't think I've ever heard of a less satisfying act of political retribution than what Darren plots in this episode. God, that's pathetic. The corresponding scene in the Danish original is much better: it really shows that our guy's back on top and Making an Example of Certain People.

"1) Why did Linden visit Darren to tell him Bennet was innocent and was critically injured?"

Mrh: "Linden, who has policed this town for years, seemed to have no idea that there was a ferry named 'Adela.'"

Mythagoras, I just checked: the teacher is finally revealed to be innocent in Episode 8 of Forbrydelsen. As it goes to credits, he's nervously phoning the girl while Theis and Vagn glower at him. The Killing, with shorter episodes and fewer over all, has taken an extra episode to get there.